ACHTUNG: Wir müssen euch leider mitteilen, dass das Konzert von JOHNOSSI (SWE) am Samstag 16. Dezember krankheitsbedingt nicht stattfinden kann. Betroffen sind alle verbleibenden Shows der Tour. Wir arbeiten an einem Nachholtermin. Die Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
Offizielles Statement von John Engelbert:
„Erlangen (TONIGHT), Wil and Bern shows postponed! Will reschedule. It is with an incredible heavy heart that we have to make this announce. I have bronchitis and as a result of that I have lost my singing voice. I injected incredibly strong steroids into my bloodstream a couple of hours ago but it still didn’t bring my voice back. We will reschedule the shows for 2018 and hope to have the dates ready for you next week. Bought tickets will of course be valid then. If any questions please contact your local ticket seller. We are so sorry, this sucks as fuck.“
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IBAN: CH70 8080 8001 4282 9978 8
Kulturzentrum Wil, Silostrasse 10, 9500 Wil SG
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